Elevating urban sustainability

Posts tagged “government

Toronto mandates green roof installation

A green roof on Toronto's City Hall

Toronto has become the first city in North America to mandate that all buildings over 2,000 square meters are covered at least 20% by a green roof.  The law has been in place since 2010 but will apply to new industrial developments starting April 30th of this year. The government website has a section on benefits of green roofs, including reduced energy costs, storm water runoff, and improved air quality. Read about the program here, and check out their website.

Potential interview subjects

Here are some of the people we would like to talk to for background research and our video.  If you are an expert on green roofs, the environment, or just think they’re pretty cool, email us at greenerheights@gmail.com. Don’t forget to like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter too!

Keith Agoada – Sky Vegetables, Founder
Nick LeVigne – SAIC – Sustainability Lead
Peter Ensign – Executive Director, DC Greenworks
Jeanette Stewart – Founder and President, Lands and Waters
Michael Perry – Building Logics
Dr. Hamid Karimi and Rebecca Stack, District Department of the Environment District of Columbia
Robert Goo, Office of Water Environmental Protection Agency
Jennafer Bonello – General inquiries contacts for World Wildlife Fund, who has the biggest green roof in the District