Elevating urban sustainability

Posts tagged “farms

Green Roofs and Urban Farming

There have been several items in the news lately about green roofs and urban farming- when the green roof concept is taken to another level, and produce is grown on top of city roofs.  Urban and greenhouse farm business Brightfarms has announced that it will build a 100,000 square foot “garden in the sky” on top of a warehouse in New York, which will make it the largest rooftop farm in the world. The farm will produce 1 million pounds of produce a year, and can prevent up to 1.8 million gallons of storm water from running into local waterways.  The New York Times also wrote an article on rooftop gardens that have been appearing more and more in low-income housing projects in the city,  and how they can promote healthy eating as well as provide all the benefits of green roofs.  Check out the articles and watch the Ted Talk that Brightfarms CEO Paul Lightfoot gave on local urban farming, below.